
Tuesday 6 March 2012


OBIEE Auto Complete Prompts

What Is Auto-Complete?

Oracle BI EE provides auto-complete functionality for prompts, which, when enabled, suggests and highlights matching prompt values as the user types in the prompt selection field.
Auto-complete is only available for the Choice List prompt type when the prompt designer selected the "Enable User to Type Value" option in the "New Prompt dialog". Note that auto-complete is not available for hierarchical prompts.
The administrator configures the auto-complete functionality to be case-sensitive or case-insensitive, and then specifies the matching level. The matching level determines how Oracle BI EE matches the column's values to what the user types. There are three different ways that the administrator can set up auto-complete matching:
  • Starts With — As the user types, Oracle BI EE suggests the column values that begin with the letter or text that the user is typing. For example, if the administrator configured auto-complete to be case-insensitive and the matching level to Starts With and the user types "m," then Oracle BI EE suggests "Micropod" and "MP3 Speakers System."
  • Word Starts With — As the user types, Oracle BI EE suggests the column values that contain any words who's first letter matches what the user is typing. For example, if the administrator configured auto-complete to be case-insensitive and the matching level to Word Starts With and the user types "c," then Oracle BI EE suggests "ComCell," "MPEG Camcorder," and "7 Megapixel Digital Camera."
  • Match All — As the user types, Oracle BI EE suggests the column values that contain any letter that the user is typing. For example, if the administrator configured auto-complete to be case-insensitive and the matching level to Match All and the user types "l," then Oracle BI EE suggests "LCD 36X Standard," "LCD HD Television," "7 Megapixel Digital Camera," and "Plasma HD Television."
When the administrator properly configures the prompts setting in the Oracle BI EE instance configuration file, the auto-complete functionality highlights matching values when the user accesses the "Select Values dialog" to search for a prompt value. However, the matching level is not determined by the preference set by the administrator. Instead, the user selects the matching level in the "Select Values dialog."
The prompts auto-complete functionality is enabled by the administrator at the system level, but the dashboard designer can exclude the auto-complete functionality from dashboards, and user can turn auto-complete off by using the "My Account dialog". Note the following relationships between auto-complete settings:
  • System Setting — The administrator modifies the system configuration file to enable the auto-complete functionality for Oracle BI EE. When this functionality is turned on, all users can access the auto-complete prompts functionality. If this functionality is turned off, then all auto-complete fields are disabled on the Oracle BI EE user interface. For more information, see "Configuring for Prompts" in Oracle Fusion Middleware System Administrator's Guide for Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition
  • Dashboard Setting — If auto-complete is enabled for Oracle BI EE, then the dashboard designer can remove the auto-complete functionality from individual dashboards by setting the Prompts Auto-Complete field to Off in the "Dashboard Properties dialog". However, the auto-complete prompts functionality will be available for other dashboards where the Prompts Auto-Complete setting is set to User Preference.
  • User Preference Setting — If auto-complete is enabled for Oracle BI EE and for individual dashboards, users can disable the auto-complete prompts functionality for their accounts by setting the Prompts Auto-Complete field in the "My Account dialog: Preferences tab" to Off. Setting this option to Off overrides the system and dashboard settings, and no auto-complete functionality will appear for the user

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Shahed Munir

Krishna Udathu

Shahed and Krishna are Oracle / Big Data Experts